This Site's Tech Stack

As a menu at a spot where the quantity of the chef's tattoos is proportionate to the quality of the food.

This Site


  • pnpm: package management, performance, non-duplication, global store.
  • React 18: concurrent rendering, hooks, suspense, improved SSR.
  • Next.js 14: server-side rendering, static site generation, API routes, image optimization.
  • TypeScript: type safety, autocompletion, early error detection, enhanced code readability.


  • Tailwind CSS: utility-first CSS, responsive design, custom themes, no runtime CSS, typography.
  • shadcn/ui: icons, theming, component library, design system.


  • Velite.js: state management, type-safe, MDX to app data layer, reactive programming
  • Rehype: syntax highlighting, pretty code, autolink headings, slug generation
  • MDX: JSX in Markdown, component integration, improved content authoring, enhanced flexibility

Rehype pretty theme: material-theme-ocean