Coding Interview Flow
a cheatsheet I printed out for reference during coding interviews
Relax, Beginner’s Mind - Don’t rush, don’t try to compare to problem I have seen!
Clarifying at beginning
- How important is styling/CSS or is core functionality the focus?
- Should I go with straightforward markup/scripting or built a re-usable component?
- Create two buckets: What are the core requirements for the time we have?
- What are the optimizations (if time allows), nice-to-haves, future features. (If no time to implement, briefly explain how you’d go about it.)
Pseudocoding / Skeletoning
- Verbalize your approach (eg “I’ll do the HTML first and add the interactivity later”)
- Write up comments on overall approach, step by step.
- Skeleton out some named functions or classes, add comments there.
- Focus on the hard part, potentially skip over rote work (interviewer may let you pretend you have a library func that handles it).
Clarifying at beginning
- Inputs: what kind? How many?
- Output: what is it?
- Constraints: input constraints; time/space complexity constraints. Should we mutate the input, or not?
- Edge cases: Empty/null input? Unexpected values? How handle?
- Repeat problem back to interviewer.
- Simplify input, if it is too complex.
- Brute force. Pseudocode it. State time/space.
- Identify choices explicitly. Make time/space tradeoffs.
- Optimize*. A DS or Algo. Pseudocode it. State time/space.
- Check in: "Before I pursue this approach, is there anything I should consider or do you have any questions about it?"
- Walk through given example input.
- Implement. Skeleton it out with named func/vars first. Prioritize harder parts.
- Test / Dry Run.
- Time/Space Discussion if needed here at the end.
Array Clarifying Questions
- If an array (or a range 0...n), is it sorted? Or could we sort it? What does that mean?
- Sorted: Pointers (1 or 2), or 1 pass?
- Sorted: Binary Search possible
- Sliding window? Discard old, incorporate new. (strings too)
- Fixed sliding window? Variable sliding window? (strings too)
- Get very clear on what we’re talking about.
- Perms: Order matters. Repeat allowed OR not allowed?
- Combos: Order doesn’t matter, repetition is not allowed.
- Sets: combos that are “bags” of ‘empty set’ up to max string/num length.
- Tree-like “problem space”
- Template: series of blanks (partial soln) and subprob passed to recursive ‘manager’ who does one thing. Base case: subprob size is 0.
DP / Counting / with Memoization
- Counting combinations style problems. What are the options at each step? Are there two options (stairs, grid moves) or a list of them (coin change).
- Base Case returns 0 or 1. Add up the count. Memoize for performance.
Tree Clarifying Questions
- What kind of tree, and what does that mean?
- Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree - lefts smaller than rights. Inorder = sorted.
- BST - is it balanced?
- N-ary Tree (Hierarchical Tree).
- Tries - n-ary. Each path represents a word, e.g. a dictionary.
- Tree Approaches
- Traversal: BFS (levels matter), DFS
- N-ary tree traversal: BFS or DFS but iterating over children (to q or DFS stack)
- Top Down DFS - can the result be passed up to global variable?
- Bottom Up DFS - do we need info passed up to parents?
- Tree Construction: Top down, (left to right is doable, never studied)
- Note: “A tree is an undirected connected acyclic graph.”
Graph Clarifying Questions
- Connected? Unconnected? (Do I eed to handle separate components?).
- Undirected (two-way edges) or directed (one-way edges).
- Graph Approaches & Complexities:
- How to model it? adjList, matrix, something else?
- … Tackle it with DFS, BFS (layers matter)… or maybe something simpler.
- Or maybe something more complex (haven’t studied)
- Directed Graphs: need arrival/dep timestamps for cycle detection.
- DAG - directed acyclic graph, allows for TOPSORT (linear ordering of vertices from left to right)
- Decrease and conquer - transform prob into smaller prob I know the solution to.
- Divide and conquer - e.g. binary search, quick select.
- Transform and conquer - use a DS.
- Greedy - Maximize local quantity leads to getting to the glob optimum.
- Backtracking - incrementally building candidate solutions, then “backtracking” when it determines that a candidate violates a constraint.
- Backtracking + memoization: special case of top down DP.
- Linked Lists - are great for problems that require arbitrary insertion.
- Doubly Linked Lists - you can insert or delete elements in a linked list in constant time, as long as you know where the element is.
- Stacks - string stacks Monotone Stacks - eg “find the closest larger/smaller element on the left/right of the curr one.